Monday, October 13, 2008


Everyday we think,
Think of the angel,
Think of the devil,
We think so much that we kill our smiles,
We think so critically that we ruin surprises,
We think so judgementally that we scare friends away,
We think so far that we fear to face,
We think so deep, we read ones' minds
We think so meaningfully that every word meant more than it should mean,
We think so passionately that every emotions are overwhelmed,
We think so logically that we dare not do a thing,
We think so confidently that failure is not an option,
We think others think like us,
But perhaps we are wrong because it's just you that think of life this way.

Ps. Life is not perfect but you just got to accept what you can to feel the ultimate happiness, quit thinking and start enjoying

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